Prepare tax returns; if we have a power of attorney we can even arrange their filing. If required by the client, of course, such tax returns are then filed three months later. We always agree with our clients on an individual basis to what extent they wish us to check any provided documents. As per the client’s instructions, we can merely prepare the tax returns based on the document provided, or if required, we can also check all relevant facts under a tax audit.
Offer VAT consultancy, i.e. to assess tax consequences of the VAT exemption, real estate disposal, complicated versatile transactions involving other EU member states, provision of services within the EU and VAT return from other EU member states. As for certain types of transactions with other EU member states, VAT may have a dramatic impact on the realisation and profitability of the entire transaction;
Represent a client in any taxation proceedings, i.e. to arrange any types of remedial instruments;
Prepare highly specialized and professional tax
information and opinions that may be required by the client on any tax issue or related accounting methods, as per the clients requirements;
Provide tax advice on a perpetual basis – personal consultancies and discussions at the registered office of the tax advisor or the client covering topics either suggested by the tax advisor or required by the client; this is usually provided in connection with certain projects completed by the client or any changes in the tax law;
Assess tax consequences of any contracts already made or provide tax advice in relation to transactions that are to be made as any potential future risks could be dramatically reduced in such cases;
Perform a due diligence – when a client is involved in an acquisition of a new entity, we can make a detailed assessment of the history and of the current condition of the acquired companies and we can focus on identifying any potential risks that the client would assume through the acquisition;
Provide tax advice that involves knowledge of the international environment, i.e. to represent permanent establishments (organisational units/branches) of foreign entities, Czech entrepreneurs that have a permanent establishment (organisational units/branches) abroad and private individuals that have income from abroad, incl. the application of methods to avoid double taxation;
Arrange, through engaging our
external partners, legal advice, auditing services or appraisal services, i.e. to appraise enterprises in business combinations;
Provide any other services upon agreement.