Welcome to our website. Our specialisation is in providing tax advice. We know that business activities may give rise to many risks and difficulties and, without any doubt, tax risks and the ever changing area of law are the most significant ones. Unfortunately, it is rather common for the laws of the Czech Republic to get changed constantly. If a client underestimates any taxation problem, it may result in higher taxes and sometimes in consequences that may be even worse. Tax problems and any penalties subsequently imposed can even mean the difference between a continuing business and closing down.
If you believe that tax advisors are masters of tax frauds, please look elsewhere. On the contrary, tax advisors are there to find a solution. To find the line that an entrepreneur having a good strategic business plan should not cross. Tax advisors do their utmost to minimize risks for their client. Tax advisors are the client’s business partner. Tax advisors seek a better solution. And if there is any interaction between a tax office and the client, tax advisors are there to help and solve such issues. They are always on the client’s side and the feeling that the client is not alone in such situations is considered to be the most precious feeling.
The quality of services provided by tax advisors should be defined by their real knowledge and experience in tax law. In addition, tax advisors are held entirely liable for their services, as set forth by respective statutory regulations (namely, Act No. 523/1992 Sb., on Tax Advisory Services and the Czech Chamber of Tax Advisors) and, as a result, they must arrange adequate liability insurance to cover any damages that may cause to clients when providing their services.
Typically, tax advisors represent a wide range of clients in various industries. Thanks to such experience, they get a better view and are able to shed a new light to the client’s problem. At times, they can even identify a problem that the client could not see any more. Of course, tax advisors can even call on their wide experience of similar problems to suggest the most appropriate solution. For these reasons, tax advisors are a very valuable business partner for their client.
Our main goal is to do our utmost to meet the client’s expectations to their full satisfaction. All our services are bespoke and designed around the specific circumstances of the client. Our clients are both Czech entities and companies - members of multinational corporations. We represent manufacturers of industrial products, entities importing goods to the Czech Republic, wholesale companies, health facilities or real estate agencies. As for private individuals, we mainly represent persons providing services in the area of legal advice or foreigners working in the Czech Republic as managers. We aim at establishing a long lasting relationship and mutual trust that is, in our opinion, a foundation stone of successful cooperation.